en-noun|sggrand unification theory|plgrand unification theories
- physics A theory that unifies the electromagnetic interaction, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction.
grand unification, grand unified theory, GUT
Arabic: ARchar|Ù�ظرÙ�Ø© اÙ�اتØاد اÙ�Ù�Ù�Ù�Ù� اÙ�عظÙ�Ù� unicode|(naÊ�arÄ«ya al-ittiħÄ�d al-káuni al-Ê�aÊ�Ä«m) f
Breton: peurunvanidigezh
Catalan: teoria de la gran unificació f
Chinese: 大���论 (dà i t�ngyī l�lùn)
Finnish: suuri yhtenäisteoria, kaiken teoria
French: grande unification f
German: gro�e vereinheitlichte Theorie f
Hebrew: ת��ר�� �����ת ����� (teoria me�ukhadot gedolah) f
Japanese: 大統ä¸�ç��è«� (ã� ã��ã�¨ã��ã��ã�¤ã��ã��ã��, daitÅ�itsuriron)
Korean: ë��í�µì�¼ ì�´ë¡ (daetong-il iron)
Polish: teorie wielkiej unifikacji
Russian: Ñ�еоÑ�иÑ� великого обÑ�единениÑ� (teórija velÃkovo obâ��jedinénija) f
Slovak: teória veľkého zjednotenia f
Slovene: teorija velikega poenotenja f
Spanish: teorÃa de gran unificación f
Vietnamese: lý thuyết th�ng nhất l�n
ru:grand unification theory
zh:grand unification theory